Thursday, February 15, 2007

reflections of life

I want to thank everyone who have sent prayers and thoughts my way and to let you know that my mother passed on earlier today (thursday, 2/15) at 11:55 a.m. I was at her side along with the rest of my family. I was holding her hand, and as she past I felt as if I was escorting her to the threshold of her return to the spiritual plane. It was one of the most moving and profound experiences of my life. There was such a sense of wholeness and completion to be with this beautiful being, through whom I entered the physical world, as she moved out of it. After everyone left the room i remained with her alone for about two hours. The time with her allowed for a gentler transition for both of us. It will be a time I will cherish always. While I know that it will take time to grieve her loss I can return home with a sense of peace that her spirit is now with God and her body no longer suffering.

Anne and I plan to celebrate Valantine's day next week. She has been so supportive of me this past week. She is truly amazing. ........Thanks Sweetheart

Love to All



steveb said...


What a beautiful posting!

We hope that you and your family share laughter as well as tears in recounting your mother's life.

Steve and Pat

dennis said...

Thanks Steve and Pat. We have been doing a lot of both.She was a remarkable human being to whom family was everything.


Russell said...

This brings back the passing of my mother and the mystery, connection and love which was present at that time. Thank you so much.

Ruthann said...

Dear Dennis,

I am so glad that you were able to be with your mother at her passing, and that you were able to stay with her for awhile afterward. I'm sure it was a great comfort and joy to your mother that you were with her.

Thank you for posting this.
