Wednesday, February 7, 2007

From Anne, 2-6-07

Well, I love this blog and the feeling of connection and support it gives me. I am especially happy to be hearing from East Coast cousins that I see far too little of. I feel so loved and held. Thank you all. And an extra big thanks to those who were able to stay with me. It eased the load so much.

Well that was a very intense chemo, with the other illnesses/issues attendant. I think I just left my body, and each day am grateful to come back into it some more. I am at this moment without discomfort, and finding some small appetite. Still, today was a new low weight. (eat your hearts out). Still assisted by marinol and vicodin, however.

There is a dry-erase board right in front of my bed on which they list my daily blood counts. The whites are still zero, the reds fed by transfusion and platelets. I have had 3 days of neupogen, a specific blood growth hormone, and if I am typical my numbers will come up this weekend, and I will go home some time next week. Being totally out of it has been good to make the time fly.

Lucy and her boyfriend David are about to visit, then Dennis. Not needing people to do things for me anymore, I realize how sustaining it is just to be in contact. Plus, the tiniest edge of boredom is settling in.

Well, when you start talking about boredom it is time to go. Please keep writing in the blog, those who are not being foiled by it. Dennis was sick the last few days, so I don’t think he has made any entries.



Ruthann said...

Dear Anne,

It's wonderful to see another post from you. Your boredom is a good sign that you are returning to health. Yay!

It's funny that you mentioned being foiled by the blog, because it happened to me tonight. Finally got through.

I miss you!


steveb said...

If you are foiled by the blog, softly whisper your password in the speaker.

Your progress is astounding, I think. Boredom is a good sign.


Linda Votta Sullivan (Anne's cousin) said...

Hi Anne,
My brother Ed called me last night to find out how you were doing: he isn't much of a blogger! You may hear from him directly but I just wanted to pass along his thoughts and affection to you. He reminded me that you and he were the same age. Young compared to me, the old lady of the group! He called you "Annie" and I remembered, like a snapshot, a memory from our childhood, a scene from your old NJ house, of your mother's ironing board opened up and a laundry basket with clean clothes right next to it and my mom ironing there. Was there a separate laundry room? That's how it looks in this memory. I think we were staying with your family for a while helping out... maybe your mom was sick. The things that get stored in our minds!
So great to hear that you are feeling better with each passing day. Going home sounds absolutely wonderful, doesn't it?
Love, Linda

Hannah said...

It was so good to hear from you even if you are broadcasting from a hospital bed. I have a deep faith in your ability to heal and to draw on the strength of spirit. We are rooting for you all the way. Monty is going to burn a bunch of the healing music that I use in my in my work. I (to whoever is scheduling) will be happy to do a shift when you need a weekend person. Thank you Russell, for letting us know what's happening and giving us the key to joining all of you in Anne's journey. Love Hannah and Monty
P.S. You look like Monk of the Year in the doorway. -M.

Jackson Peyton said...

Hi Anne

SO GLAD you are up to writing and getting a little bored. I am an awful blogger/emailer, but think of you very often.

I will be out to visit and would be honored to be a nurse for a week.

Lots of love,


Ruthann said...

Dear Anne,

It's Sunday evening. I hope to hear that you are going home soon.


meredith said...

Anne - we've been reading your blog and are amazed and happy about the love and support that surrounds you. We're thinking of you. Don, Merry, Blair and Stancey.