Friday, January 26, 2007

updated th night, fri

My shift last night with the force of nature. Typical nigttime stuff - she spiiked a fever at 103.4 around 1am which then came down to 98.7 by 4am. Through vomiting, the runs, headaches, and deep fatigue that are all normal side effects of the chemo, Anne's will to live and inner power helps her stay focused and sharp, she is amazing. Being there with her is a meditation in on call alertness and witnessing of myself and her. I found myself feeling waves of love, grief and the conviction of her healing. I wished I could wave a magic wand over her and have this disease dissapear! But she complains not. It reminds me of the births of the kids - the deep dedication of the task at hand coupled with an unwavering astuteness. I have some pictures of her in the hospital I will post when I get home. Lucy is on duty now and Dennis through the night. I have to say the staff at UCSF are high level and comforting. She is having the last bag of chemo hung tonight which will complete by Sat am. All should be uphill after that.
more later

1 comment:

Ruthann said...

Thank you, Russell.

I would so love to see pictures of Anne.

