Wednesday, January 31, 2007

for Steve

Hi Steve,
I don't have your phone number or e-mail, but I wanted to talk to you about research. I would love your help, since Anne describes you as brilliant, in reading about all the different treatments currently being used for her subtype. Before Anne follows the standard protocol of UCSF, which I am confident is good, I would feel better if we were fully informed about all options. From what I have read there are a couple of things to consider. Could you please e-mail me? Anne walked three times yesterday, even though she is very weak. These are the hard days (as if the others weren't!) but I keep reminding myself that they need to take her whole body here to get rid of the leukemia. She is still the one in charge. It is hard to imagine anyone could keep you so busy in a small room, but through it all, she knows what she needs. And that is always reassuring. Things should start easing up (nausea and the like) in a day or two. Dennis took the day off to be with her, which is the most healing thing of all, I am sure. 707-696-9668. Thanks.

1 comment:

steveb said...

According to all accounts (Angela, Dennis and Anne herself), Anne is mending fast, except for the nausea. This week is a tough one.

Emails are flying your way, Angela.
