Tuesday, January 23, 2007


So i just spent a little time with my mother, she's very tired, but she's still the same personality.
Just an update for those who aren't in contact with her. She's started chemo, and the drug she's currently on is called cytarabine (sye-TARE-a-been). She's about half-way through the first course, the objective being to get her white cell count to zero. For those wondering about the drug, it has many of the same side effects as most chemo drugs, including eventual hair loss, tiredness, nerve damage, nausea, eye irritation and dizziness and weakness.
Currently she's only experiencing the dizziness and weakness. Other than that she has a headache from the spinal tap they did yesterday, and her fever is continuing to hang around 101, although it spikes occassionally, usually at night. This could be a reaction to the drugs, as opposed to an infection or virus.
I know that's not very pleasant but i thought everyone would want to know exactly what was happening. She's still very lucid and she seems to have a great inner strength, and i have no doubt that she has the strength to beat this.


Susan Unrath said...

Hi. I'm Susan, a friend of Anne's from Berkeley. I went in to see her Monday for the morning and I'd like to go and spend some time just hanging with her tomorrow, Wednesday. She's requested expanded music repetoire and I'm prepared to have her sleeping while I'm there. If I go around noon, does this disrupt anyone else's plans for Wednesday? My schedule is pretty flexible for most of the day until late afternoon. Let me know if you can. Else, I'll just show up and see what happens. Thanks. susan.

oatboy said...

it's probably ok to just show up then.

angela said...

until we have a solid schedule, please don't show up without first checking with Angela or Dennis (unless of course you are Owen or Lucy). Anne's immune system is at zero and her visitors must be extremely limited at this early stage.