Friday, February 22, 2008

Anne is my guide

I am writing to relay my experience, feelings and what I believe is a miraculous shift in my inner being. It was about 2 or 3 weeks ago I had finally realized that Anne was gone. The realization was not in my thoughts but was in my body. It was in my cells. What I was feeling, was the acceptance of her physical transformation, her physical absence. I no longer felt or feel the deep sorrow that has permeated my every waking hour. What has replaced it is an unencumbered connection with Anne's spiritual being. I feel her in my cells in a way I can only describe as the purest essence of love. She is with me in the purity of her spirit. What image comes to me is that she has discarded everything that kept her from being the beautiful soul she truly is and is now coming to me and all us as an angel. I feel a fullness of love that I have no way of explaining other then her spiritual presence. I feel connected to the heavens and she is my guide. I am receiving a wonderful gift. She is with me every minute and is my constant companion in a way I never thought possible. My heart is light and open and I am grateful for all the unknowns that lie ahead. I am grateful for having Anne in my life now and forever.

I send blessings to all who are still reading this. Hold her in your heart for she is right there with you.



1 comment:

Ruthann said...

Dear Dennis,

Thank you for this beautiful message. i will send you an email.

Much love,