Sunday, April 15, 2007

Biopsy results

I had my bone biopsy done Thursday, and had a Dr. appt. Friday with the doctor I wanted to see. The bone biopsy showed 6% leukemia - not the all clear I wanted, but still in remission. I am going to Sea Ranch in a few hours with Dennis, and will go back to the city with him Wed, and spend Thursday in the clinic receiving my dose of Mylotarg. It will be double the dose I received last time. It runs the risk of liver toxicity, but I did very well last time. I will have to get my blood checked 2-3 times/week and probably need at least platelet transfusions. And I will be neutropenic again. My conversation with the doctor convinced me of the necessity of the stem cell transplant, which my mind was still trying to wiggle out of due to the huge risks.

Meanwhile, I met with the transplant coordinator, and found out my 11 preliminary donors is a very small potential number. I feel like I am at a gambling table and the stakes just got way higher and the odds much worse. If there is not a live donor, they will search the baby umbilical cord bank, where the match does not need to be so precise.

So your prayers seem more important than ever. I go through many feelings, but I think developing is a sense of surrender to that which is out of my hands, whatever is meant to be. Living fully in the moment becomes more of a necessity.

I hope you are all well, and that spring comes very very soon to the Northeast.



Linda Votta Sullivan (Anne's cousin) said...

Just sending my love, pure and simple.

Ruthann said...

Dear Anne,

You are now back from your vacation at Sea Ranch, and back to the work of healing. I hold you in my heart and mind, and I pray for your complete healing.

All my love,

Ellie Harold said...


Not sure what to do with this info, but I did hear via the family grapevine that the donor would ideally have German-Irish-Italian heritage. I spoke recently with Brent Alberghini (who at the time was planning to be in SF in a couple of weeks). He wasn't fully aware of your situation and when hearing more said he'd be glad to be tested to see if he could be a donor. I gave him this blog adddress, but don't know if he's contacted you....

In any case, you continue in my thoughts and prayers ... just so you know.

Love, Ellie