Sunday, March 11, 2007

The longest yard

Anne has had a pretty steady and gentler physical course this time around which makes waiting for results probably the most painful part of the process. You can't take a pill for it and we don't have a fast forward button, so we just wait. While I'm glad she is feeling so much better this time, the physical issues last round dominated her awareness and required constant an immediate attention. She didn't have the time or the energy to miss being outdoors. She has and continues to face all of this with incredible grace and dignity. She is admired by the staff and has befriended the other patients and their families. But it is this endless waiting that is so difficult. In someways she needs our support more now then ever, even with her feeling so much better then last time. A note, a card, a poem, or photo and of course prayers will go a long way to get her through this period. I'm sorry that I haven't been able to get to the blog more often. It's been hard to get to the computer. I would encourage anyone to jump in and add a post even if it's about a brief encounter with Anne on the phone. She is beginning to use the phone some. She's been wanting to place a post herself but has had problems trying to use the computer at the hospital. Hopefully we'll get her on in the next couple of days.

A brief medical update: She will be getting a bone marrow test tomorrow to assess the percentage of healthy tissue versus the non healthy. And, sometime in this week we should have the results of Steve's match kit.

Love to All



Jackson Peyton said...

As always, thanks so much for your posts Dennis. And many condolences to you for your mother.

My schedule has been hectic, a good thing, cut I am trying to carve out a week soon to come visit. Any idea about Anne's status the last week of this month or first week of April??

Ruthann said...

Dear Dennis,

Thank you so much for posting. I want to send Anne a package of books and music. Shall I send to hospital? Her home?

I am sending an out-of-print novel tonight from Amazon, so I can't add a note that it's from me. I'll ssend to her home.

Anne, look for a novel by Alice Adams, set in SF in the 80s. I love it and have re-read it many times. In fact, I bought it to read on the Amtrak when I visited you in Berkeley years ago. I hope you enjoy it.

All my love,

steveb said...

Great news!

Annes's bone marrow shows complete remission. Take that, leukemia!

Brother Steve in NC

Ellie Harold said...

Just got a message from Mary Brent proclaiming the good news! Well done, Anne!

Much love, Ellie

Ruthann said...

Just found a message from Anne on my phone that her bone marrow shows remission!! Yay, Anne!!!!! You go, girl!!!


Jackson Peyton said...

Fantastic news!

dennis said...

Hi Jackson

Anne will probably be going home the end of March but it all depends on how fast her white blood cell count improves.
